Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (2024)

This Banana Bread Recipe Using Frozen Bananas is everyone’s favorite. It’s so simple to make and the entire family will love it!

I’m a banana bread snob, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Seriously, this is the only banana bread I’ll eat, and it’s certainly the only kind I’ll make. (See? Total snob!)

This banana bread recipe is so good and so very easy. And want to know the best part? It’s made with frozen bananas!

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (1)

Frozen bananas are much easier to mix into a batter than fresh bananas are, and my freezer nearly always has an abundance of them, so it’s pretty easy to mix up a fresh loaf whenever I want.

My family has a love/meh relationship with bananas. They love to ask me to buy them, but once they’re sitting in the fruit basket, the fam is sort of indifferent to them. And if those bananas get even one little spot on them, my crew won’t touch them. They won’t even look at them.

So, every time our bananas start showing some age, I toss them into the freezer. Well, I usually let them sit on the counter until they’re covered in spots and attracting fruit flies, and then I take two seconds and toss them into the freezer. Because that’s how I roll (sad, huh?).

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I just put them right into the freezer, whole and still in their peels. Of course, you’re welcome to put the whole bananas into a large zipper bag if you prefer, but that’s totally optional (at least in my book).

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Banana Bread Using Frozen Bananas

Now, I should probably warn you that frozen bananas don’t look anything like fresh bananas. I think the longer they’re in the freezer, the more disgusting they look. They’re gross, and you just have to accept that fact.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (2)

They also get a little bit…umm…let’s just say “juicy” when they thaw out. So, since you need them to be thawed before you use them, be sure to put them in a bowl or on a plate when you set them out of the freezer or the “banana juice” might run all over the counter and drip onto the floor. Ask me how I know this.

When the frozen bananas are thawed and you’re ready to make your bread, just snip off the tip of the peel and slide them into a colander in the sink so the rest of the juices can drain for a minute or two.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (3)

Once the bananas have drained for just a moment, you can toss them into your mixing bowl and pour the sugar on top. Yes, it takes a full cup. Yes, it probably makes this recipe qualify as more of a “cake” than a “bread.” Yes, I call it “bread” and eat half the loaf anyway.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (4)

Add in a couple of beaten eggs, three tablespoons of milk, butter that’s been melted in the microwave and cooled a bit, and the baking soda. Mix it all together with a wooden spoon. Don’t worry if it’s a little “soupy.”

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (5)

Next, stir in the flour. The best way to measure flour is to scoop it out of the bag or canister and then level off the top with the flat side of a knife.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (6)

Once the flour is completely mixed in, pour the batter into a greased loaf pan and smooth the top with a spatula.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (7)

Bake for about an hour or so until the banana bread is all beautiful and brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (8)

Let the bread cool in the pan for about five minutes and then remove it onto a rack to cool. Or remove it onto a cutting board and slice it very carefully while it’s burning your fingertips because it smells too good to wait. It’s your call!

Here’s the printable recipe:

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (9)

Print Recipe

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Banana Bread Using Frozen Bananas

This Banana Bread Recipe Using Frozen Bananas is everyone's favorite. It's so simple to make and the entire family will love it!


  • 3 bananas, frozen and thawed (can substitute ripe, mashed bananas)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs, well beaten
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • ¼ cup butter, melted and cooled
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 cups flour


  • Preheat oven to 375° F. Grease loaf pan.

  • In a large bowl, stir together all the ingredients, in order, except for the flour. Mix in the flour until combined. Pour into greased loaf pan.

  • Bake for one hour or more, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in pan for about five minutes before removing to a rack.

Best Banana Bread Recipe: Using Frozen Bananas (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.