5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (2024)

Are you a TikTok enthusiast who loves to create or watch live videos on the platform? If yes, you must have come across the chat feature on TikTok Live. While it’s a great way to interact with your followers in real-time, it can also be a major distraction. So, how can you hide chat on TikTok Live? Don’t worry, I have got you covered! In this article, I will guide you through the process of how to hide chat on TikTok Live.

As a TikTok creator or viewer, you’re always looking for ways to enhance your experience on the app. You might be wondering how to get free TikTok coins, how to make it a productive app, how to change interests to view new content, or even how to see who viewed your TikTok videos. All of these questions are valid and show your desire to improve yourself on the app. However, today we’ll be focusing on one particular question: how to hide chat on TikTok Live whether you are a viewer or a content creator.

I understand that the chat feature on TikTok Live can sometimes be overwhelming and distracting, and that’s why I have specially tailored this article to help you out. Though I am not that much into the Live Chat thing of the platform, I’m here to help you out with all your queries. Whether you’re someone who wants to engage better with their followers or someone who just wants to enjoy the content without any distractions, this article is for you. So, without any further delay, let’s get started with how to hide chat on TikTok Live!

In This Article

Why Hide Chat on TikTok Live?

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (1)

Before we get into how to hide chat on TikTok Live, let’s talk about why you might wanna do that. Here are the top 5 legit reasons why you should think about hiding the chat feature on TikTok Live:

01. Avoid Distractions: The chat feature on TikTok Live can be overwhelming and distracting, especially if you have a large audience. It can be difficult to keep up with all the comments and questions while also trying to create engaging content. By hiding chat, you can eliminate this distraction and focus on delivering a high-quality live stream to your audience. This will help you stay focused and engaged with your viewers, while also improving the overall quality of your content.

02. Privacy Concerns: Another reason to hide chat on TikTok Live is to protect the privacy of your viewers. Sometimes, users may share sensitive information in the chat, such as personal details or contact information, which could be visible to everyone. By hiding chat, you can prevent this information from being shared publicly, which is especially important for viewers who value their privacy. In addition, hiding chat can also protect your own privacy by preventing viewers from seeing your personal information or social media handles.

03. Focus on Content: Hiding chat allows you to focus on creating quality content and delivering it to your viewers. By eliminating the distraction of chat, you can spend more time engaging with your audience and creating high-quality content that will keep them coming back for more. This can help you build a loyal following and improve your overall performance on TikTok Live.

4. Reduce Negative Comments: Unfortunately, not all comments in the chat are positive. In fact, some viewers may leave hurtful or negative comments, which can be discouraging and distracting. By hiding chat, you can reduce the number of negative comments that you receive, which can help you stay positive and motivated during your live streams. This will also help you build a more positive and supportive community on TikTok Live.

5. Eliminate Spam: Lastly, chat can be a breeding ground for spam. You may see spam on any TikTok Live stream be it labelled White or with Red Ribbon on TikTok. Some viewers may use chat to spam your live stream with unwanted messages, links, or advertisem*nts. This can be frustrating for both you and your audience, and can also harm your performance on TikTok Live. By hiding chat, you can prevent viewers from spamming your live stream, which will help you maintain a more professional and engaging presence on the platform.

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How to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator?

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (2)

Now that you know why it’s essential to hide chat on TikTok Live, let’s learn how to hide chat on TikTok Live if you are a creator. As a creator, you might find the chat distracting and overwhelming, especially if you have a large audience. By hiding chat, you can focus on delivering engaging content to your viewers. Here are the steps you can follow to hide chat on TikTok Live as a creator:

Step 01: Start your TikTok Live

To get started, open the TikTok app and click on the “+” button at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the camera screen, where you can start your TikTok Live.

Step 02: Tap the Chat Icon

Once you’re on the TikTok Live screen, you’ll see a chat icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap on it to open the chat window.

Step 03: Swipe Left

In the chat window, swipe left on the chat window to reveal the options menu.

Step 04: Hide Chat

From the options menu, you’ll see an option to “Hide Chat.” Tap on it to hide the chat window.

Step 05: Confirm

A confirmation message will appear on the screen asking you to confirm that you want to hide the chat. Tap “Hide” to confirm your selection.

That’s it! You’ve successfully hidden the chat on your TikTok Live stream as a creator. Now you can focus on delivering quality content to your viewers without any distractions.

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Tips for Engaging with Your Audience Without Chat

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (3)

Alright, just ’cause you’ve hidden the chat, doesn’t mean you can’t still interact with your viewers! There are plenty of ways to engage with your audience and create dope content at the same time. Check it out, here are some tips for engaging with your audience without using chat:

01. Ask for Questions: Tell your peeps to slide into your DMs, email you, or hit you up on another social media platform with their questions. This way, you can answer them without getting sidetracked by the chat. You can even dedicate some time during your live stream to answer these questions. You can be like, “Drop your questions on Twitter, and I will get back some of them in the later part of this session.” This way you won’t only get engaged with your peeps, but you will be getting some hits on Twitter at the same time. Isn’t that “Boss” way?

02. Use Graphics and Visual Aids: If you wanna get a point across without the need for chat, use images, charts, and graphs to help illustrate your points. It’s an easy way to share information with your audience. You can display your art, use your creativity, and even use handwritten posters to make your session a bit more alluring.

03. Use Gestures: You don’t always need words to express yourself, ya feel me? Use hand gestures or facial expressions to show your peeps what you think or feel. For example, nod your head to show agreement or use your hands to emphasize a point. Take a deep sigh, if you are sharing some emotional story with them. Common, you may have better ideas than these examples! Drop some of them in the comment section at the end of this article.

04. Use Polls and Quizzes: You can use polls and quizzes to engage with your audience during your live stream. This will allow you to get feedback from your audience and keep them engaged. For example, you can ask your audience to vote on their favorite product or service.

05. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content: Your audience is often interested in seeing the behind-the-scenes of your creative process. Share snippets of your work process, show them your work setup, or provide sneak peeks of upcoming projects. This will not only engage your audience but also build a sense of community and loyalty among your followers. By sharing your personal experiences and insights, you can create a deeper connection with your audience.

06. Engage with the Comments Later: You can engage with your audience after the live stream by responding to comments or questions that were posted during the live stream. If you don’t see comments on TikTok live, here are fixes. This will allow you to respond in a more thoughtful and considered way, without the distraction of the chat.

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How to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Viewer?

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (4)

Now that you’ve mastered the art and learned how to hide the chat on TikTok Live as a creator, let’s talk about how to do it as a viewer. This can be a bit tricky, but there are four different methods you can use to hide the chat window while watching a live stream on TikTok.

Each method has its own unique steps, and I will explain each of them one by one so you can choose the one that works best for you. Whether you’re trying to focus on the video content or just need a break from the chat, these methods will help you enjoy TikTok Live without any distractions.

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01: Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Viewer by Swiping Right

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (5)

If you’re watching a TikTok Live and wanna get rid of that chat, the easiest way to do it is by swiping right on the screen. No joke, it’s that simple! Check it out, here are the steps:

Step 01: Get on the TikTok app and find the Live stream you’re looking for.

Step 02: When the Live stream begins, you’ll see the video and chat window taking up space on your screen.

Step 03: Now, swipe right on the screen to hide the chat window.

Step 04: To display the chat window back, just swipe left on the screen again.

Easy peasy, right? Now you can focus on the video without getting distracted by the chat. Give it a try next time you’re watching a TikTok Live!

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02: Tap on the Chat Icon to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Viewer

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (6)

Hey, did you know there’s another way to hide the chat on TikTok Live? Check it out: just tap on the chat icon and the window will vanish, leaving you free to focus on the video. No more pesky distractions, just pure entertainment! When you’re ready to bring the chat back, just tap the icon again and it’ll pop right up. Confused? Here is how to hide the chat on TikTok Live by pressing the Chat icon:

Step 01: Fire up your TikTok app and find the Live stream you’re keen to watch.

Step 02: As soon as the Live stream begins, you’ll see both the video and chat window on your screen.

Step 03: Check out the right-hand side of the screen and tap on the chat icon.

Step 04: See how the chat window magically disappears, leaving you free to soak up the video without any annoying distractions.

Step 05: Want to display the chat again? No problem, just tap the chat icon again and the window will reappear like magic.

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03: Turn Off Chat Notifications to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Viewer

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (7)

If you’re tired of those chat notifications disturbing your TikTok Live stream watching, then you can disable them from the settings menu once and for all. It’s super easy to do! This way, you won’t be interrupted by any pesky notifications while you’re enjoying the stream. Here is how to hide chat on TikTok Live by turning off the chat notifications:

Step 01: Launch the TikTok app and head over to your profile page.

Step 02: At the top right corner of your phone screen, tap on the Hamburger menu.

Step 03: Scroll down to the section that says Settings and Privacy and tap on it.

Step 04: Once you’re in the Settings and Privacy section, look for Notifications and tap on it.

Step 05: Search for Live Notifications and simply switch it off to stop getting notified during a live stream.

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04. Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Viewer by Using Split-Screen Mode

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (8)

Here’s how you can watch a TikTok Live stream without the chat window getting in the way. Split-screen is an option. This will divide your screen into two sections, with the video on one side and the chat window on the other. This allows you to watch the video while also keeping up with the chat messages. No longer will the chat window obscure your view! Here is how to hide chat on TikTok Live rather how to split chat and live stream on TikTok:

Step 01: Open up your TikTok app and navigate to the Live stream that you want to tune into.

Step 02: Once you’re in the Live stream, you’ll see the video and chat window displayed on your screen.

Step 03: Swipe up on your device’s screen to bring up the control center.

Step 04: Look for the split-screen icon on the top right corner of your screen and tap on it.

Step 05: Voila! Your screen will now split into two parts with the TikTok video on one side and the chat window on the other, allowing you to enjoy the stream without any interruptions.

Just a heads up, this trick might not work on every device out there. It only works on devices that have a split screen feature available.

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Wrapping Up

And that’s a wrap on how to hide chat on TikTok Live, both as a creator and a viewer! I hope this guide has helped you focus on the content you want to watch or stream without any distractions. If you have any more tips or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments section below. And don’t forget to check out Path of EX for more useful guides and information on social media, technology and games.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I turn chat back on during my broadcast?

Yes, if you wanna bring the chat window back during your broadcast, just swipe right on your screen.

2. Will my viewers know that I have hidden chat?

No worries, your viewers won’t have a clue that you’ve hidden the chat window. They’ll have to turn it on themselves to see it.

3. Can I still see the chat messages even if I hide the chat?

Nope, hiding chat means you won’t see the chat messages, but don’t worry, you can turn it back on anytime by swiping right or tapping the chat icon.

4. Will hiding chat affect my engagement rate?

No, hiding chat won’t affect your engagement rate. Your viewers can still like and comment on your video, even if the chat window is out of sight.

5. Can I hide the chat window permanently on TikTok Live?

Sorry, mate, but you can’t hide the chat window permanently on TikTok Live. It’s only a temporary hideaway during your broadcast. However, if you have turned off the chat notification from the settings, it would be quite difficult to bring this thing back.

6. Will the creator of the TikTok Live stream know if I hide the chat window?

By the by, the TikTok Live stream creator won’t be any wiser if you hide the chat window. It’s just for your own view.

7. What should I do if I am having trouble hiding chat on TikTok Live?

If you’re having a hard time hiding chat on TikTok Live, try restarting the app or checking for updates. And if the issue persists, contact TikTok support for a hand.

5 Easy Steps to Hide Chat on TikTok Live as a Creator & Viewer (2024)
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